Fyodor Dostoevsky once said, “To live without hope is to cease to live.” But hope should not be a tonic used to sooth and deaden our senses but an elixir that jolts us into a state of true awareness to our surroundings and the struggle that is occurring around us now, in this very instant.
We must hold ourselves to account for the state of the world and assign to ourselves a purpose. That purpose is to help. Help in big ways if you are able, but for most of us we must satisfy ourselves by doing small things in a big way.
Start with your home. Bring peace to your home. Next, move your focus outward. Do this by making yourself aware of the plight of the millions of people who are less fortunate than ourselves in this world.
Stand up and make your voice heard. When any one of us stands up and says what’s going on is wrong it makes it easier for others to do the same. We must put aside time in our lives to advocate for those in need. Don’t forget to help yourself. Alexandre Dumas said that all human wisdom could be summed up in two words, wait and hope. I would say the two words are hope and act. Act today for our future.
Michael Babb
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