A few clouds early, otherwise mostly sunny. Much colder. High 2F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph..
A mostly clear sky. Low -13F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: January 15, 2022 @ 12:33 am
. www.myplate.go
. www.myplate.go
What’s your favorite food? I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but mine happens to be oatmeal in any form and at any time of the day — and this month is National Oatmeal Month! Lucky for all of you, our nutrition team is much more creative, adventurous, and talented in the kitchen than me!
You can access our nutritionists and their resources in a variety of ways — in person through our nutrition and cooking classes, online through live virtual sessions, via recorded cooking demonstration videos, and through traditional recipes found on our website (or that we can send them to you). If you are looking for something in particular, just let us know.
Speaking of looking for something in particular, what should you look for in a healthy recipe?
n Minimal added sugar (ideally less than 2 teaspoons per serving)
n Fat free or low-fat dairy
n Includes vegetables and fruits
n Uses lean protein and includes instructions/fat reducing tips such as trimming visible fat, removing skin from poultry, and draining or skimming fat from cooked meats
n Has 5 grams of fat or less per serving
n Uses whole grains (i.e. uses whole wheat flour instead of white flour)
n Is something you and/or your family will actually eat!
There is something for everyone in the video resources I mentioned. Check out the “What can I Cook With_____?” series — with suggestions ranging from canned meet to lentils to ramen noodles sent in from the community. Watch the “How To” videos with information about soaking beans to chopping onions without crying. The “Family Snacking Series” provides kid friendly snacks along with parenting tips. And finally, there are several videos of meals you and your family will want to eat (and even a few oatmeal ones for me! Carrot Oatmeal Pancakes anyone?). http://ccejefferson.org/nutrition/video-resources.
Banana Split Oatmeal
This has whole grains, fruit, and non-fat dairy. Breakfast or dessert — your choice!.
One Serving
1/3 cup oatmeal (dry, quick-cooking)
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup water (very hot)
1/2 banana (sliced)
1/2 cup frozen yogurt (non-fat)
In a microwave safe cereal bowl, mix together the oatmeal and salt. Stir in water.
Microwave on high power for 1 minute. Stir. Microwave on high power for another minute. Stir again.
Microwave an additional 30-60 seconds on high power until the cereal reaches the desired thickness. Stir again.
Top with banana slices and frozen yogurt.
Johnson Newspapers 7.1
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