Whether you call it the new normal, the next normal or just a major shift, pharma marketing will never be the same thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic.
From the acceleration of digital strategies and communication to reputation boosts beyond what anyone could have imagined, pharma and biotech marketing is on a permanent new path. And while some of that path is still under construction and will continue for the next several years, experts predict some defined trends for 2022.
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At the 2021 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting & Exposition, blood cancer researchers from around the world gathered virtually to discuss the progress that has been made in the field of hematology. Over the past decade, that progress has been tremendous. We’ve seen not only breakthrough approaches to care, but also significant improvement upon existing novel treatments and exploring combinations within those medicines.1 These advances have transformed expectations of what a blood cancer diagnosis now means for patients. While we’ve come a long way, I believe the most exciting scientific discovery is yet to come, and that future advances will truly transform patient care.
Christmas is coming early for Gyroscope.
In its latest gene therapy gambit, Novartis is paying $800 million upfront to acquire the Syncona-backed biotech, with another $700 million reserved for milestones.
Novartis has been diving deep into retinal disorders, and Gyroscope’s lead candidate adds a potential one-time treatment for geographic atrophy — a leading cause of blindness — to the pipeline.
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The FDA on Thursday authorized another new pill to treat the Omicron variant, this time from Merck.
While Pfizer’s antiviral may prove to be more effective, and Merck’s pill has left some scientists questioning the dangers behind its mechanism of action, molnupiravir will be another weapon in the armamentarium of Covid-19 treatments for the US in a time of need, as two mAb treatments from Regeneron and Eli Lilly are no longer effective against Omicron, and as supplies of a third mAb from Vir/GlaxoSmithKline are very limited.
It’s time for our holiday break here at Endpoints News, and like a lot of you, we’ve been prepping for 2022.
Anyone who’s spent some time in industry can tell you the past decade has shoved the drug-hunting field into the forefront of the world’s view of things, garnering tens of billions in investment as new technologies look to change the landscape of R&D. And anyone who qualifies for first-in-class and best-in-class can clean up.
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The centerpiece of Novartis’s $9.7 billion buyout of the Medicines Company can finally go to market.
Branded Leqvio, the small interfering RNA therapy long known as inclisiran is the first and only FDA-approved treatment to reduce LDL-C, i.e. bad cholesterol, with just two maintenance doses a year after an initial dose and another one at three months.
Touting a “revolutionary approach,” Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan noted that the approval “creates new possibilities for how healthcare systems can impact cardiovascular disease, a defining public health challenge of our time.” The label covers both atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
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Alzheimer’s disease researchers along with medical professors from Harvard and Johns Hopkins issued a formal statement Monday asking the FDA to quickly pull Biogen’s Aduhelm from the market.
“An accelerated withdrawal would mitigate some of the harm of its unwarranted accelerated approval,” they wrote to FDA, explaining how Aduhelm “did not meet the FDA’s own criteria for accelerated approval based on surrogate markers because amyloid plaque does not correlate well with symptoms, severity of disease or progression.”
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Drug pricing reform has been a political football for years, with both Donald Trump and Joe Biden championing changes during their presidencies. Little has moved the needle on Capitol Hill, however, thanks in part to the drug industry’s powerful lobbyists.
In the most recent example, Democrats tried to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices — an immediate non-starter for biopharma proponents. After months of negotiation, the measure fell apart in favor of provisions on a small subset of drugs that passed the House but marked a far cry from Biden’s promises and what many activists had hoped for. The bill, included as part of Biden’s broad social policy agenda, now appears dead after Democrats failed to secure 50 votes in the Senate.
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On the heels of a big FDA approval last week for its keystone asthma drug, Amgen is adding on at its Irish manufacturing site.
Amgen’s site in Dún Laoghaire is about to get a $100 million upgrade to improve its formulation, aseptic drug product filling, lyophilisation and packaging operations as the company celebrates its 10th year in Ireland. The addition will add another 150 jobs for construction workers in the Dublin suburb. The project is set to be the company’s largest outside of North America.
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Another bad week for Biogen and its Tokyo-based partners at Eisai was extended on Wednesday with news that a panel review of their controversial Alzheimer’s drug aducanumab earned a pushback from the health ministry in Japan.
According to overnight news reports, their panel concluded that inconsistent Phase III data and lack of clinical significance in reducing amyloid plaque in patients made it difficult to determine if the therapy worked, but offered to review it again once the 2 partners lined up more data.
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