Jijin Mohan, founder and CEO, and Sarath Kumar, COO, of CodeAce IT Solutions. | Photo Credit: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
Beating pandemic blues, a start-up team at the Kozhikode Government Cyberpark has built a digital marketing empire with million dollar annual turnover.
Two aspiring entrepreneurs Jijin Mohan and Sarath Kumar scripted their own success story through sheer determination and passion for creativity and marketing.
The idea of setting up a performance marketing start-up took shape with the inception of CodeAce IT Solutions LLP.
“With an investment of ₹25-30 lakh, CodeAce initially started off as a five-member team at the Mobile 10x Acceleration Hub in the Cyberpark campus in Kozhikode, in 2018,” Mr. Mohan, founder and CEO, says.
When the start-up was on its first lap of development, it was impacted by the first COVID-19 wave. “However, our business began to improve when work from home became the new policy,” he says.
The start-up faced numerous challenges setting up CodeAce IT Solutions. Starting an enterprise on a scale such as this was next to impossible, as Kozhikode was still not considered an advantageous location.
Despite all odds, the company started working with full-fledged operations in September 2021. Today CodeAce has transformed itself by leaps and bounds from a small-scale company to an organisation that has the capability to employ over 50 employees.
CodeAce recently opened its Phase II office at B1 of the Sahya Building in Cyberpark and now covers 3,200sq ft. built-up space in total.
“It was extremely stressful as Performance Marketing is not product-based. However, the determination and hard work of our team grew our firm into an enterprise that generates an annual turnover of one million dollars,” Mr. Mohan said.
Currently, the company caters to clients in providing services like Ad Tech Development, Internet Marketing, Content Network, Marketing Consulting, and diversified advertising strategies for various segments. “About 80% of its revenue is generated from SEO-based projects,” Mr. Kumar, COO, said.
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Printable version | Dec 23, 2021 1:57:19 PM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/duo-build-digital-marketing-firm-with-million-dollar-annual-turnover/article37769555.ece
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