Crunch Fitness is looking forward to opening a new location in Mobile. Rita-Nicole Wright joined Chelsey on Studio10 with more details about the gym. They will offer a lot of classes, group fitness, and personal training. They also have a great kids crunch for those parents who need child care.
Crunch Fitness is at 3250 Airport Blvd Suite A.
For more information, give them a call (251) 298-7435.
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PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) — Prichard Police arrested the woman accused of firing the shot that killed Grace Carter Tuesday night.
MOBILE, ALA. (WALA)- Four teenagers were shot at the gas station on Moffett Road just off of I-65 Monday night. Mobile Police said it happened after 8pm.
PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) — Prichard Police arrested an 18-year-old accused of killing a man back in October.
PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) — A homicide investigation is underway after a woman was shot and killed at a church in Prichard.
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) — — The Mobile Police Department is now investigating the city’s 53rd homicide of the year after an 18-year-old shooting victim was killed at a gas station Monday night.
PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) — Authorities in Prichard said Thursday that Kaillyn Christine Howard Harris is wanted as a potential suspect in the “reckless shooting death” this week of Grace Carter.
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WALA) — A baby and a Mobile woman were killed in a two-vehicle crash late Thursday night just outside of the Mobile city limits, according to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency.
PRICHARD, Ala. (WALA) — Prichard Police tell FOX10 News Maurice Sashington is wanted in a murder that happened on Christmas Eve. They believe on Christmas Eve, Sashington shot and killed Quincy Kemp and critically injured his estranged wife Shanda Sashington.
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) — Mobile Police said a man who broke into an apartment Saturday night was shot dead by someone inside.
MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) — The Mobile Police Department arrested two men for multiple charges after a celebratory gunfire incident.
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